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本片是内详执导, 吉拉育·拉翁马尼,阿妮潘·查南普拉纳翁,萍彤·瓦诗娜格,Fon,Nalintip,Permpattarasakul,桑提苏克·普罗姆斯利,阿卡纳吾·曼格拉苏,James,Rusameekae,Fagerlund,纳塔帕·宁吉拉瓦,Jab,Penpetch,Benyakul主演的海外剧《戏如人生TV版国语》由泰国地区2017年推出,讲述了:Kaewsai just graduated from Faculty of Communications and started working at a broadcast station owned by Mutthana, who is her father's lover. Her parents got divorced when she was a child and she was raised by her grandparents. Mutthana had only one son, Siwa, who is arrogant and hates Kaewsai's father because he thinks that he stole his mother's love. Siwa came back to Thailand after studying abroad for many years and meets Kaewsai in a party. He's impressed with her strong and smart personality, but starts to hate her after he found out who her dad is.  Kaewsai has to prove herselft to everyone who thinks she only got work at the station because of her connections, while facing many mean and selfish people. Other executives at the station have a grudge against Siwa's mother so he also has to prove himself when he's cast as the main actor in a lakorn directed by Kaewsai. He starts to fall in love with her unexpectedly, and she also falls for him after they get close.海外剧戏如人生TV版国语完整版在线观看由影视大全收集整理于网络,并免费提供戏如人生TV版国语在线高清播放模式,还可以支持手机免费看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。这里有搞笑的、可以舒缓压力增添快乐的喜剧片和综艺节目,有好看的动作片和科幻片、有经典的港台剧和浪漫的日韩剧,还有美剧迷们最喜欢的欧美剧,请记住影视大全,我们以最丰富影视节目回馈大家!


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